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International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium

Conservation, management and sustainable utilisation of Artemia biodiversity

Resource management

Content relating to the sustainable management and harvesting of Artemia resources in multi-use water bodies.

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In this collection

Training Programme on Safeguarding Artemia resources for Aquaculture held in Rome

The Training Programme on Safeguarding Salt Lake Brine Shrimp (Artemia) Resources for Aquaculture was held in Rome from 2-6 September. The course was attended by 37 participants from 15 countries. The programme was jointly organised by FAO, NACA / IAAC, and by RAOS and ANSO, which provided the financial support that made the activity possible. The programme featured a series of expert presentations on three themes: Salt lakes, management tools for Artemia cyst and biomass harvesting, and Artemia biodiversity. The full programme is appended below, and video recordings of most presentations will shortly be made available on NACA’s YouTube channel.

Safeguarding salt lake brine shrimp (Artemia) resources for aquaculture: A training project

A training project addressing Artemia management and conservation from hydrological, biological, ecological, aquaculture, wildlife and legislative perspectives will be held in Rome, Italy, from 2-6 September 2024. The training is being organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), with the financial support of the Alliance of National and International Science Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions (ANSO) and the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (RAOS), in cooperation with the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium (IAAC). The project will address hydrological, biological, ecological, aquaculture, wildlife and legislative aspects of Artemia management and conservation.

larvi 2024: Final announcement + first IAAC conference!

The 8th fish and shellfish larviculture symposium (larvi '24) will be held in Ghent University, Belgium, from 9-12 September 2024. Capitalising on the previous “larvi” symposia (in ’91, ’95, ’01, ’05, ’09, ’13, ‘17), the Aquaculture R&D Consortium of Ghent University, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and SINTEF Ocean have joined again in the organizing committee for “larvi’24” and are inviting the academic as well as the private sector to attend the 8th Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium. Bringing together European and non-European stakeholders, once again the latest progress in academic research and in the production sector will be reviewed, problems identified and avenues for future collaboration explored. Please download the 2nd announcement and programme for further information.

The first International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium conference will also be held in conjuction with larvi '24, on 9 September. See you there!

Saving a Sea Monkey Sanctuary: Battling the Threat of Great Salt Lake's Decline

Hakai Magazine has just published a new article by Paul Greenberg: As the waters of Utah's Great Salt Lake recede, a dedicated group of locals is on a mission to safeguard its unique ecosystem and vital brine shrimp fishery. With half the lake already perilously low and the other half at risk of following suit within the decade, urgency permeates every aspect of their efforts. From conducting crucial research expeditions to implementing stringent management practices, these individuals navigate the strange, saline waters to ensure the survival of not just the brine shrimp but also the diverse entities that thrive in this extraordinary environment. Dive into the heart of their endeavor as they race against time to preserve a sanctuary threatened by the relentless march of climate change.

Proceedings of the first and second brine shrimp symposiums available for download

The technical proceedings of two historical brine shrimp symposiums (Corpus Christi USA, 1979 and Antwerp Belgium, 1987) have been digitised by the Flanders Marine Institute, and are available for free download. The proceedings are:

1. The brine shrimp Artemia: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the brine shrimp Artemia salina, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, August 20-23, 1979, and 2. Artemia research and its applications: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the brine shrimp Artemia, Antwerp, Belgium, 1987.

Who will feed the world if the Great Salt Lake collapses?

An article by Leia Larsen and Levi Bridges for the Great Salt Lake Collaborative describes the role that brine shrimp play in supporting global food networks. The Great Salt Lake remains the world's larges single source of brine shrimp cysts, but water levels are at an historic low.

Video report: Great Salt Lake preservation key for global food security

Artemia is a critical food resource for the hatchery production of larval fish and crustaceans, underpinning around 10 million tonnes of aquaculture produce per year. The Great Salt Lake, Utah, provides around 40-45% of world Artemia cyst supplies. A video report by KSL TV5 discusses the conservation and management of the Great Salt Lake and its role in global food security.

The first Training Course on Sustainable Development and Utilisation of Artemia Resources successfully held by ARARC, China

From 11-13 July 2023, the first "Sustainable Development and Utilisation of Artemia Resources" training course was successfully held in Tianjin, China. The training course was organised by the Asian Regional Artemia Reference Center (ARARC), with the support of the Artemia Association of the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance.

The course contains theoretical, practical, and operational training on Artemia cyst processing and quality control, effective utilisation of Artemia as live food in hatcheries, and Artemia pond culture techniques, aiming to promote the sustainable exploration of Artemia resources and their application in larviculture. Nearly one hundred trainees from over thirty enterprises, institutes, and universities across the country participated in the training. The comprehensive coverage of the training course was well recognised by the trainees.

Larvi 2024 and first International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium conference

The first conference of the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium will be organized on September 9, 2024 in Ostend, Belgium. The 8th International Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium - Larvi ’24 - will be organised at the same venue in Ostend from 9-12 September 2024.

A more detailed first announcement with call for presentations will be mailed in the first week of October 2023. A preliminary website has been opened where you can register your interest to participate in this event.

Seminar on Artemia Research and Production: Exploring Translational Advancements, Global Perspectives, and Shared Benefits, Malaysia

The seminar was held on 28 July 2023 in Putrajaya, Malaysia, in conjunction with the first meeting of the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium Steering Committee. Video recordings of the technical presentations are available in this collection.

NACA's role with the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium

Presentation by Simon Wilkinson, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, at the Seminar on Artemia Research and Production, 28 July 2023, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Production and use of Artemia in Iran

Presentation by Prof. Naser Agh, Artemia and Aquaculture Research Institute, Urmia University, at the Seminar on Artemia Research and Production, 28 July 2023, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

AR-ARC actions towards sustainable utilization of Artemia resources

Presentation by Prof. Sui Liying, Asian Regional Artemia Reference Centre, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China, at the Seminar on Artemia Research and Production, 28 July 2023, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Great Salt Lake Brine Shrimp Fishery Meets MSC's Fishery Standard

SALT LAKE CITY, May 15, 2023 – Utah’s Great Salt Lake brine shrimp fishery has officially achieved the Marine Stewardship Council's (MSC) sustainable wild fishery certification, making it the first inland fishery in the United States to earn this prestigious certification.

Brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) are a small, shrimp-like crustacean that live in hypersaline lake environments and are a vital part of the lake's ecosystem, serving as a food source for numerous bird species and providing an important source of income for local fishermen.

The MSC certification process is rigorous and requires fisheries to meet strict standards for sustainable fishing practices, environmental impact, and management. The Great Salt Lake brine shrimp fishery underwent a thorough 8-month assessment by an independent, third-party certifier and was found to meet MSC's criteria for environmentally sustainability fishing practices.

Great Salt Lake: A model of sustainable resource management

An article on management of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem and Artemia fishery is available for free download and viewing in Hatchery Feed & Management Magazine. The article describes the active management of water and salinity levels through legislative changes and an engineered berm. The fishery has recently received Marine Stewardship Council certification. The article is written by Thomas Bosteels, Timothy Hawkes and Phil Brown, Great Salt Lake Artemia.