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International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium

Conservation, management and sustainable utilisation of Artemia biodiversity

Status of Artemia cyst usage, hatching and application in shrimp hatcheries in India

Presentation by Nageswara Rao P.V., All India Hatchery Association, at the webinar on "Status of the use of Artemia cysts in fish/crustacean hatcheries around the world".

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Webinar "Status of the use of Artemia cysts in fish and crustacean hatcheries around the world"

The goal of the webinar was to document differences in practices used by fish and crustacean hatcheries in the use of Artemia cysts for the preparation of live feeds. Over time, the practices used by hatcheries in Asia, Europe and Latin America have diverged from the good aquaculture practices for Artemia production recommended by FAO in the 1996 Live Food Manual. The technical programme included presentations from twelve speakers from around the world, with an introduction from the Director General of NACA, Huang Jie. The webinar was attended by 359 people from 53 countries. Video recordings of the technical presentations are enclosed, together with the report of the proceedings.