Artemia Literature 2023
16 May 2024 | 336 views
- Anh NNH, Xuyen NTK, Quyen NHT, Vi NHY, Anh NH, Thuy NM and Hoa NV (2023). Effects of foaming agents and dilution ratio on the foaming properties of Artemia Franciscan biomass puree. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology. DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2024.160667
- Artigas P, Meyer DJ, Young VC, Spontarelli K, Eastman J, Strandquist E, Rui H, Roux B, Birk MA, Nakanishi H, Abe K and Gatto C (2023). A Na pump with reduced stoichiometry is up-regulated by brine shrimp in extreme salinities. PNAS 120(52): e2313999120.
- Asem A, Gajardo G, Hontoria F, Yang C, Shen C-Y, Rastegar-Pouyani N, Padhye SM, and Sorgeloos P (2023). The species problem in Artemia Leach, 1819 (Crustacean: Anostraca), a genus with sexual species and obligate parthenogenetic lineages. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society XX:1-8.
- Asem A, Yang C, Eimanifar A, Hontoria F, Varó I, Mahmoudi F, Fu CY, Shen CY, Rastegar-Pouyani NR, Wang PZ, Li W, Yao l, Meng X, Dan YT, Rogers DC and Gajardo G (2023). Phylogenetic analysis of problematic Asian species of Artemia Leach 1819 (Crustacea, Anostraca), with the descriptions of two new species. Journal of Crustacean Biology 43:1-25.
- Dey P, Bradley TM, and Boymelgreen A. (2023). The impact of selected abiotic factors on Artemia hatching process through real-time observation of oxygen changes in a microfluidic platform. Scientific Reports 13: 6370.
- Dong X, Li C, Wang, Y, Hu T, Zhang F, Meng F, Gao M, Han X, Wang G, Qin J, Nauwynck H, Holmes EC, Zorgeloos P, Sui L, Huang J and Shi W (2023). Diversity and connectedness of brine shrimp viruses in global hypersaline ecosystems. Sci. China Life Sci. 66(1): 1-16.
- Duan H, Shao X, Liu W, Xiang J, Pan N, Wang X, du G, Li Y, Zhou J, and Sui L (2023). Spatio-temporal patterns of ovarian development and VgR gene silencing reduced fecundity in parthenogenetic Artemia. Open Biology 13: 230172.
- Elshafey AE, Khalafalla MM, Abou Zaid AA, Mohamed RA and Abdel-Rahim MM (2023). Source diversity of Artemia enrichment boosts goldfish (Carassius auratus) performance, β‑carotene content, pigmentation, immune‑physiological and transcriptomic responses. Scientific Reports 13:21801.
- Giamaki D, Tsiotsiou M, Ogle SC, and Touraki M. 2023. Interactions of Bispehenol A with Artemia Franciscana and the ameliorative effect of probiotic. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 98: 104064.
- Guermazi W, Athmouni K, Anna-Travelsi N, Elloumi J, Atari H, and Leignel V (2023). Energy transfers in a predator–prey context involving D. salina (microalga), F. salina (ciliate) and A. salina (crustacean), living in salterns of Sfax (Tunisia). Aquatic Ecology DOI:
- Han X, Ouyang X, Li K, Liu X, Li W, Sui LY (2023). Examination of the effects of Nanos gene knockdown on fecundity and reproductive modes in the brine shrimp, Artemia parthenogenetica. Aquaculture, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 572: 739537.
- Kumar M, Karamendin K, Mazhibayeva Z, Kassymbekov Y, Sabyrzhan T, Isbekov K, Assylbekova S, Kydyrmanov A (2023). Evaluation of the Viral Diversity of Artemia Cysts from Saline Lakes in Kazakhstan Using Viral Metagenomics Analysis. Fishes 8: 487.
- Lantushenko AO, Meger YV, Gadzhi AV, Anufriieva EV, and Shadriv NV (2023). Unique haplotypes of Artemia salina (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in hypersaline Lake Sasyk-Sivash (Crimea). Inland Water Biology 16(5): 884-891.
- Li WJ, Guo Y, Sun SC (2023). Population genetics of Artemia urmiana species complex (Crustacea, Anostraca): a group with asymmetrical dispersal and gene flow mediated by migratory waterfowl. Gene Gene doi:
- Lukić D, Pormehr N, Beladial L, Vad CF, Ptacnik R, Van Stappen G, Agh N and Horváth Z (2023). Life‐history omnivory in the fairy shrimp Branchinecta orientalis (Branchiopoda: Anostraca). Hydrobiologica, DOI:
- Madkour K, Dawood MAO, Sorgeloos P (2023). Effects of desalination brine on the fecundity of brine shrimp Artemia franciscana fed on rice bran. Annals of Animal Science. DOI: 10.2478/aoas-2023-0033
- Noori F, Morshedi V, Mozanzadeh MT, Hamedi S, Bahabadi MN, Jafari F, Azodi M, Agh N (2023). Enrichment of live foods with arachidonic acid enhanced stress resistance, digestive enzyme activity, and total antioxidant capacity in yellowfn seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) larvae. Aquaculture International. DOI:
- Novriadi R, Malahayati S, Istiqomah I, Isnansetyo A, Irawan F, and Hasan ODS (2023). Application of fragmented extracellular self-DNA (esDNA) concept as an alternative prophylactic approach against Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio harveyi infection in brine shrimp Artemia. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research 25(4): 93-103.
- Ogburn NJ, Duan L, Subashchandrabose SR, Sorgeloos P, O'Connor W, Megharaj M, Naidu R (2023). Agricultural wastes for brine shrimp Artemia production: A review. Reviews in Aquaculture 2023: 1-20.
- Plotnikov IS, Aladin NV, Zhakova LV, Mossin J, and Høeg JT (2023). Past, Present and Future of the Aral Sea - A Review of its Fauna and Flora before and during the Regression Crisis. Zoological Studies 62:19.
- Ramos-Llorens M, Ribes-Navarro A, Navarro JC, Hontoria F, Kabeya N, and Monroig O (2023). Can Artemia franciscana produce essential fatty acids? Unveiling the capacity of brine shrimp to biosynthesise long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Aquaculture 53: 738869.
- Ravanbakhsh R, Agh N, Nouraein M and Bossier P (2023). Prolonged ecological changes can affect morphometrics and gene expression profile? Focusing on Hsp-70 and NLHS-induced Hsp-70 of Artemia urmiana. Environmental Research 238(2): 117254.
- Shadrin N, Anufriieva E and Gajardo G (2023). Ecosystems of inland saline waters in the world of change. Water 15:52.
- Sui L, Xiaocui L, Namin P, Xue L, Meirong G (2023). Halomonas-PHB protects gnotobiotic Artemia against Vibrio and modifies Artemia gut microbiota in xenic culture conditions. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 41(4): 1292-1299.
- Tian L, Tian J, Wang X and Li W (2023). A novel remote sensing index for bring shrimp (Artemia) slick detection in salt lakes. Remote Sensing of Environment 286: 113428.
- Wood CR, Wu W-T, Yang Y-S, Yang J-S, Xi Y, and Yang W-J (2023). From ecology to oncology: To understand cancer stem cell dormancy, ask a Brine shrimp (Artemia). Advances in Cancer Research Vol. 158: 199-231.
- Zhang S, Hasebroeck JV, Yang Q and Defoirdt T (2023). Indole-3-acetic acid increases the survival of brine shrimp challenged with vibrios belonging to the Harveyi clade. Journal of Fish Diseases 46: 477-486.
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