Artemia Literature 2022
16 May 2024 | 252 views
- Anufriieva E, Kolesnikova E, Revkova T, Latushkin A and Shadrin N (2022). Human-induced sharp salinity changes in the world's largest hypersaline lagoon bay Sivash (Crimea) and their effects on the ecosystem. Water 14:403.
- Boyer L (2022). Evolutionary causes and consequences of non-clonal asexuality in Artemia. Animal genetics. Université de Montpellier (thesis).
- Bulatove SA (2022). Metal Content in the Cysts of Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay (the Caspian Sea). Hydrobiological Journal 58(1): 56-66.
- Do MA, Pham HLT, Tran TA, Le VCT, Young T, Le DV, Dang HT, Doan NT (2022). Silver nanoparticle toxicity on Artemia parthenogenetica nauplii hatched on axenic tryptic soy agar solid medium. [Preprint].
- Duan H, Jin Y, Shao X, Sun P, Wang X, Sui L. (2022). Stable primary embryonic cells of Artemia are suitable for tracing the process of V. anguillarum and V. parahaemolyticus infection. Aquaculture, 2022, 560, 738598.
- Elkrewi M, Khauratovich U, Toups MA , Bett VK, Mrnjavac A, Macon A, Fraisse C, Sax L, Huylmans AK, Hontoria F, Vicoso B (2022). ZW sex-chromosome evolution and contagious parthenogenesis in Artemia brine shrimp. Genetics 2022, iyac123.
- El-Sayed HS, El-Dahhar AA, El-Zaeem SY, Shahin SA, Khairy HM, and Elwan AS (2022). Evaluation of short and long term enrichment of Artemia franciscana with mixed algae or DHA oil emulsion for improving Dicentrarchus labrax larvae aquaculture. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei.
- Han X, Tashi L, Sui L, Wang G, Deji G, and Zhang C (2022). The complete mitochondrial genome of Artemia persimilis Piccinelli and Prosdocimi, 1968 (Crustacea: Anostraca). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7(3): 464-465.
- Hasan-Nataj-Niazi E, Agh N, Noori F, Atashbar B, Van Stappen G (2022). Substitution of microalgae by bioflocs as a food source for the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana. Aquaculture Research 53(12): 4374-4387.
- Lang Gui, Lei Xu, Zhong-yi Liu, Zhi-gang Zhou, Zheng Sun (2022). Carotenoid-rich microalgae promote growth and health conditions of Artemia nauplii, Aquaculture, Volume 546, 2022, 737289, ISSN 0044-8486.
- Lantushenko A, Meger Y, Gadzhi A, Anufriieva E and Shadrin E (2022). Artemia spp. (Crustacea, Anostraca) in Crimea: New molecular genetic results and new questions without answers. Water 14: 2617.
- Liang X, Zhang C, Du D, Gao M and Sui L (2022). Application of biofloc technology in recirculation Artemia culture system. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 40: 1669-1677.
- Morshedi V, Mozanzadeh MT, Hamedi S, Naserifard I, Ebrahimi H, Agh N, Nafisi M, Azodi M, Rashidian G (2022). Enrichment of livefeed with very low level of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is enough for yellowtail sea bream (Acanthopagrus latus) larvae. Aquaculture Reports 26: 101310.
- Palanichamy M, Kandhasamy S, Kareem A (2022). Effects of Thermocyclops decipiens and Artemia Nauplii for Larval Rearing of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879). COMU Journal of Marine Sciences and Fisheries 5(1): 1-10.
- Parsinejad M, Rosenberg DE, Ghale YAG, Khazaei B, Null SE, Raja O, Safaeie A, Sima S, Sorooshian A, Wurtsbaugh WA (2022). 40-years of Lake Urmia restoration research: Review, synthesis and next steps. Science of the Total Environment 832: 155055.
- Rode NO, Jabbour-Zahab R, Boyer L, Flaven É, Hontoria F, Van Stappen G, Dufresne F, Haag C and Lenormand T (2022). The origin of asexual brine shrimps. The American Naturalist, 200 (2) (2022): in press.
- Rudneva II, Shaida VG and Shcherba AV (2022). Features of the interannual and seasonal dynamics of the ecological state of the salt lakes under the arid climate of Crimea. Arid Territories 12(3): 336-343.
- Rudneva II, Zalevskaya IN, Shaida VG, Memetlaeva GN and Scherba AV (2022). Biogenic migration of nitrogen and phosphorus in saline drying lakes in Crimea. Geochemistry International 60(2): 170-182.
- Shadrin N, Anufriiva E, and Gajardo G (2022). Ecosystems of Inland Saline Waters in the World of Change. Water 15:52.
- Shadrin N, Stetsiuk A and Anufriieva E (2022). Differences in mercury concentrations in water and hydrobionts of the Crimean saline lakes: Does only salinity matter? Water 14: 2613.
- Utemuratova FJ, Kim SI, Kamilov BG, Yuldashov MA, and Mustafaeva ZA (2022). Biometrical study of artemia cysts harvested from the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1068: 012030.
- Vahdat S, Agh N, Noori F, Van Stappen G (2022). Dry feed for Artemia: its effect on performance, physiology, immune responses and bacterial resistance. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 10(1): 45-61.
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