Artemia Literature 2019 and earlier
16 May 2024 | 270 views
- Abdollahi Y, Ahmadifard N, Agh N, Rahmanifarah K, Amin Hejazi M (2019). β-Carotene-enriched Artemia as a natural carotenoid improved skin pigmentation and enhanced the mucus immune responses of platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus. Aquaculture International 27: 1847-1858.
- Ahmadi A, Torfi Mozanzadeh M, Agh N, Nafisi Bahabadi M. (2019). Effects of enriched Artemia with n–3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on growth performance, stress resistance and fatty acid profile of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 18(3): 562-574.
- Gajardo G. and Redon S. (2019). Andean hypersaline lakes in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile: Between lithium exploitation and unique biodiversity conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 1(9) e94.
- Jamali H, Ahmadifard N, Noori F, Gisbert E, Estevez A, Agh N (2019). Lecithin-enriched Artemia combined with inert diet and its effects on reproduction and digestive enzymes of Aequidens rivulatus. Aquaculture 511: 734253.
- Jamali H, Ahmadifard N, Noori F, Agh N, Gisbert E (2018). Improving co‐feeding strategies for Neotropical green terror cichlid (Aequidens rivulatus) larvae with lecithin‐enriched Artemia franciscana nauplii: Effects on survival, growth performance and body composition. Aquaculture Research 49(12): 3909-3918.
- Sánchez MI, Pons I, Martínez-Haro M, Taggart MA, Lenormand T, and Green AJ. (2016). When parasites are good for health: Cestoda parasitism increases resistance to arsenic in brine shrimps. PLoS Pathogens 12(3): e1005459.
- Sato GH, Gheze T and Negassi S (1998). The Manzanar Project: Towards a solution to Poverty, Hunger, Environmental Polution and Global Warming through Sea Water Aquaculture and Silviculture in Deserts. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Animal. 34(7): 509-511.
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